Thursday 21 August 2014


Dimalam penuh bintang
Di atas sajadah yang kubentang
Sedu sedan sendiri
Mengaduh pada yang maha kuasa
Betapa naif diriku ini,hidup tanpa ingat padaMu
Urat nadipun tahu aq hampa..

Dimalam penuh bintang
Dibawah sinar bulan purnama
Kupasrahkan semua,keluh dan kesah
yang aq rasa
Sesak dadaku, menangis pilu
Saat kuurai dosa dosaku
Ku tiada artinya...

Doa qalbu tak bisa aq bendung
Deras bak hujan digurun Sahara
Hatiku yang gersang
Terasa ohhhh tentram....
Hanya Engkau yang tahu siapa aq
Tetapkanlah seperti malam ini
Sucikan diriku,selama lamanya...

              Ku dengar merdunya suara adzan
Berkumandang,melantunkan seruan sembahyang.
Memenuhi kewajiban seorang muslim
Sholat 5 waktu sehari semalam

 Berwudlu pahala menyucikan diri
Berkiblat menghadap ilahi robbi
Berdoa memohon petunjuk suci
PadaMu yaa Allah yang maha memberi

Kini hamba datang lagii...
Dengan hati berseri
Ingat akan janji
Bahwa hidup mati ini
Lillahi robbal 'alamiin

Kini hamba datang lagi
Pasrah berserah diri
Mendekatkan hati
Padamu yang maha Suci


Friday 15 August 2014

Live in simplicity

           In early 1980s, the population of our village is alive with great simplicity. in performing their daily routine without the help of machines and power tools.
to get some water we need to draw from the well. by using a bucket and rope that is pulled up and down. will take some time to just meet a bathtub.
         Unlike today people cook with rice cooker and gas stove, last time, we used to cook with firewood, we have to collect the leaves and branches of dry wood for cooking.
we also cook a simple meal. rarely even enjoy white rice. many of  us consumed nasi  thiwul. namely food made from cassava which is then processed into nasi thiwul.
             for lighting at night, we used kerosene lamps. an artificial light . Its made from the empty can that filled upwith some kerosene. And it will easily die if blowing in the wind. probably not good for children to study,because of the lack of lighting in the room. But they still eager to study.
            even without electricity we live a happy life. work with passion and never give up. The children were very happy, the villagers live in harmony and helping each other and sharing. spirit of brotherhood and mutual culverts always embedded our citizens.

Friday 8 August 2014

Keluarga besar mbah SARBANI Bulu Sambit ponorogo

Mbh Nurkalam adalah orang yg pertama kali menetap dan tinggal didesa Bulu.[ sing babad deso Bulu ]
Dan mbh Sarbani masih termasuk keturunan ketiga dr mbh Nurkalam.
Yaitu mbh Sarbani bin Ilham bin Nurjaiman bin Nurkalam.
       Mbh Sarbani mempunyai 8 orang anak. 1 putra dan 7 putri.
Mereka adalah :
Sunarmi dan
Mereka semua tinggal di desa Bulu.
Kecuali mbh Sukatin, beliau tinggal didesa Bibis. Tak jauh dari desa Bulu.
Rubiah                 Maguan
Mukmin               Bancangan
Ma'rifah               Kradenan
Sukanun              Bulu
Abdul ghoni         Bulu
Syamsudin          Bulu
Munawaroh         Bulu
Nurhadi                Bulu
Nurul                     Ngrupit
Husnul                  Sumoroto
Abdul hamid         Bibis
Syahri                    Berbo
Siti maryam          Siwalan
Mukhtar                 Bulu
Istilah                     Bulu           yyy
Sunti                      Bulu
Munirul ikhwan     Bulu
Qomarudin            Bulu
Thorikah                Bulu
Bajuri                     Bulu
Umar                      Cekok
Mustamam            Bulu
Mahfud                   Bulu
Juwariyah              Coper
Mukhiyar               Bulu
Bibit                        Bulu
Utami                      Bulu
Siti khoiriyah          Ngrayut
Siti kunasikah        Malo
Fatkhur rohman      Bulu
Srijanah                   Joresan
Ashuri                      Siwalan
Masrikah                  Bulu
Panut                         Bibis
Abdul rohim               Bibis
Purnomo                    Mojokerto
     Hingga saat ini keluarga besar mbh SARBANI telah mencapai berpuluh2 keluarga yang tersebar diberbagai daerah, baik di Ponorogo atau kota laenya.
Dalam setiap tahun selalu mengadakan halal bihalal yang biasanya berlangsung di rumah mbh
SUDIRNO, yaitu satu satunya putra mbh SARBANI yang diberi amanah juga kepercayaan untuk memimpin sebuah Mushola dan madrasah diniyah DARUL ULUM.

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Madrasah diniyah DARUL ULUM Bulu Sambit Ponorogo

        Madrasah diniyah darul Ulum is located in Bulu Village.
It was build in arround1956.
Afternoon session is study about  islamic Lesson such as Arabian language, fiqih , tauhid , tajwid , etc.
And nigh time is to learn how to read alqur'an and kitab kuning. "Kind of islamic book that written in arabian"

       Since the age of 5, I have alredy followed my sister go to madrasah.
And contonued to study there till finished my education in elementry / primary school.
  Many children from nearby come to study. We usually played some kind of fisical game such as gobak sodor , betengan , ingkling...and many more before the lesson started. We happily played and studied together.
         During night time, we were so excited to go together to madrasah
To pray together " sholat jamaah"
Read / recite alquran together followed by study kitab kuning.
We also study our formal school lesson tohether, guided or tutored by the older friends.
We stayed and slept  there untill morning.

   Togetherness thought us to be more mature, responsible and independent. And we can learn how
to share and respect others.
Althoght sometimes we quarreled over some issue,but in the end of the day we always stand together. Share loughter and happiness together.
       There are unforgettable moment we had during khotaman wada'
(year end of lesson).
in the afternoon,usually we have many competition and games to play. And many prizes to be given away.
At night we always have celebration.
Khataman alqur'an, berjanji and samproh. And finally.... Kembarmayang is my favourite.
Kembar mayang is banana's tree decorated with many flowers and hang with many kind of snacks
It would be grabed
And snatced when we finised reading alqur'an.
Its was owesome.!